Peeling Rage

Understanding the require function in nodeJS

December 20, 2020

I remember the first time I was learning nodeJS, the first thing that really got my attention was the kinda unintuitive way you can import your code. Looking back, I believe it felt this way because we expect interpreter/compiler “magic” when dealing with imports and exports in programming. I think this expectation is set by many popular languages. In Java for example, this is how you import something:

import java.util.List; // Meh .. I'm sure the compiler does something behind the scenes

In nodeJS, this is how you would import an add function defined in the file add.js :

var add = require('./add'); // huh 😪 ????

It took me quite a lot of time to wrap my head around this statement and get an idea about what was going on under the hood. I knew how to use it of course, but I felt like an important piece of information was missing: I did not know how it worked.

So in this article, I want to provide an explanation with a bit more substance than “that’s just how it works”.

Our example

For the sake of clarity, let us see the code I will be investigating:

// ./index.js
var add = require('./add');
console.log(add(1,2)) // prints 3


// In the ./add.js file
const add = (a, b) => {
	return a + b;

module.exports = add;

A couple of things we can ponder over when reading the code:

  1. require is a function
  2. require takes a string representing the filename as an argument
  3. require somehow returns the add function defined in the add.js file
  4. module must be an object with a property exports
  5. require and module are both variables that we have not defined ourselves

In order to answer these questions, we will take a look at some nodeJS source code. So that we don’t get lost in details, I will only show lines/snippets that will help us get an idea about what is happening.

Through the use of a debugger, we can set a breakpoint in line 1 and step into the require function to explore what is happening behind the scenes.

The require function

First thing we come across is the require function definition

require = function require(path) {
	return mod.require(path);

Just like we said before, the require function is indeed a .. function. It is simply a wrapper on the mod.require method. The mod object is an instance of Module, a class defined internally in the nodeJS source code to represent every module we create. This instance of Module contains a set of properties such as require and exports which is just an empty object.

Let’s step into this function once again and investigate some more:

Module.prototype.require = function(id) {
  // Make sure the argument is a string
  validateString(id, 'id');
  // Throw an error if the string is empty
  if (id === '') {
    throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('id', id,
                                    'must be a non-empty string');
  try {
	// Module._load will call another method called load (without the underscore)
	// that also exists in the Module object.
    return Module._load(id, this, /* isMain */ false);
  } finally {

This confirms what we said before. The Module constructor function defines a require function and attachs it to its prototype property. If you are not familiar with prototypal inheritence and the new keyword in JS, what you need to know is that whenever you will create a module object in the following way: var mod = new Module(), you will have access to the require function through the mod object like this: mod.require(...)

Now upon closer investigation of what the require method does, we can see that it will call another function called _load . This method is pretty long and it also serves as a wrapper to another function called load (without the underscore). Very briefly, this is one of the things the _load (with the underscore) method does:

  1. It creates an object of type Module to represent our module.
  2. It resolves the filename of the module we are trying to import given the string we passed to the require function. In our example, given a relative path like "./add.js" , it will return the following: /home/your-username/path/to/add.js .
  3. It checks whether the module we are trying to import already exists in the cache. If it is, then it returns its exports object. If it is not, then it saves it in the cache.
  4. It loads the module using the load method.
  5. It returns the module.exports object.

As mentioned before, _load will now call the load method, which also exists in the Module.prototype object, and passes to it the filename.

Module.prototype.load = function(filename) {
  // Remember how we can pass the name of the file that contains our module without explicitely specifying the .js extenstion?
  // This piece of code is responsable for inferring the extension and returning a key such as `.js` or `.json`
  const extension = findLongestRegisteredExtension(filename);
  // Module._extensions is an object with the following keys:
  // { .js: function(...){...}, .json: function(...){...}, .node: function(...){...} }
  // This line will call the function corresponding to the extension.
  Module._extensions[extension](this, filename);

In brief, based on the extension of the file we are trying to require, nodeJS has a predefined function that knows how to handle that type of files (.js files in our case, but it can also be .json files).

Next, let us investigate the Module._extensions function that corresponds to the .js property. In other words, we want to take a closer look at the Module._extensions[".js"] function.

Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, filename) {
  // Read the contents of the file, i.e the contents of the add.js file.
  const content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
  // This _compile method seems to do some interesting work
  module._compile(content, filename);

We are now getting to the most interesting bit. From the code below, we note that the _compile method calls another function called wrapSafe and passes to it the content of our file. What this function does will be the key to our understanding.

Module.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) {
  const compiledWrapper = wrapSafe(filename, content, this);

Before we see what wrapSafe does, let’s see what is actually returned by wrapSafe . When we take a look at the value of compiledWrapper in our debugger, this is what we get.

function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
	// The code we defined in the add.js file!
	const add = (a,b) => {
		return a + b;
	module.exports = add;

compiledWrapper is set to a function that wraps every single JS line we wrote in the add.js file!

This means that everything we write in a JS file is taken by nodeJS, wrapped into a function that takes a couple of arguments. This is exactly why we have access to the module , require , etc variables in all of our nodeJS code 🤯! Later, we’ll see what the actual value corresponding to each parameter is.

If you’re curious about how this wrapping magic works, take a look at the following code:

const wrapper = [
  '(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ',
// script holds the contents of our file
let wrap = function(script) {
  return Module.wrapper[0] + script + Module.wrapper[1];

The wrap variable is a simple string representation of our wrapped code. To transform it into a function that nodeJS can call, it runs this string in the v8 engine, hence the name compiledWrapper . Note that at this step, the code we wrote in our add.js file is not yet executed. ONLY the function DECLARATION is ran, it is NOT called.

All what is left now is for nodeJS to actually execute the code we wrote in our module by calling the compiledWrapper function with a set of arguments:

Module.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) {
  const compiledWrapper = wrapSafe(filename, content, this);
  // The wrapper function is called with the below arguments
  const exports = this.exports;
  // Did you ever try printing the value of `this` in nodeJS and wondered why you get an empty object? 
  // Well .. here is your answer! It's because the exports property defined in the `module` object is set to empty object {}.
  // So technically, whenever you refer to `this` in nodeJS, you are referring to an empty object.
  const thisValue = exports;
  // `this` in this (😠) function refers to the module instance.
  const module = this;
  // This is where the wrapper function is called and our code defined in add.js executed
  result =, exports, require, module,
                                 filename, dirname);
  return result;

THAT’S IT. As you can see, this answers why we have access to all those variables exports, require, module , __filename, and __dirname in code we write and run in nodeJS.

If you want to use a debugger just like I did, you can step into the compiledWrapper function call and see your code being executed! The code we wrote in the add.js file does not throw any errors because as we’ve seen, under the hood, it actually has a reference to the module object.

In case you don’t already know this, module.exports === exports . The exports parameter only holds a reference to the module.exports object, it is not the object itself.

Just to reiterate and close the loop, module.exports is what will finally be returned by the require function.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this piece as much as I did writing it. Nothing beats the feeling when you finally understand how things work under the hood.